WBEC-West in partnership with The Walt Disney Supplier Diversity Team is launching our 2021 mini mentorship through books. This year the program will discuss three books. The books have been selected based on the projected business trends for 2021. In order to ensure that everyone who participates in this years’ program gets the most out of each session, we have created participants expectations. Please review the expectation before registering. During the kickoff session we will go over the expectations and will also ask for a WBE volunteer to assist Arnice Lamb Manager, Supplier Diversity Strategic Sourcing The Walt Disney Company & Dr. Pamela Williamson CEO WBEC-West in facilitating the sessions.
Our goal is to have highly interactive discussions of the books we read. In order to achieve that goal we will need everyone to:
And remember this is a book club so it is important that you come prepared, whether it is with notes for discussion or simply reading the section of the book that will be discussed.
Session 1 March 19 ,2021
Agenda Review
Review of Book Club expectations
Selection of WBE-Co host
Discusion pages 1-52
Sesson 2 April 2, 2021
Discussion pages 53-98
Session 3 April 16,2021
Discussion pages 99- 130
Session 4 April 30,2021
Discussion pages 131- 169
Session 5 May 14,2021
Discussion pages 170- 198
Session 6 May 28,2021
Discussion pages 199-247
Link to purchase book: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Broke-Greatest-Competitive-Advantage-ebook/dp/B00WPQHK14
Free Resources from Daymond John: https://daymondjohn.com/pages/shark-tools
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