MBE Packages
16 tickets to expo, premium placement at expo, premium placement at luncheon, & reception
60 second video to be self-produced and played at event
10x20 booth
Remarks at Luncheon
Recognition at Ribbon Cutting & Opening Reception
8 tickets to expo, luncheon, & reception
60 second video to be self-produced and played at event
10x10 booth
Closing Reception Remarks
8 tickets to expo, luncheon, & reception
60 second video to be self-produced and played at event
10x10 booth
Cutting the Ribbon
Providing Opening Remarks
6 passes to expo
4 tickets to luncheon and opening reception
Slide to be self-produced and played in ACCESS MBE Video at event
10x10 booth Recognition as sponsor
- ## Must be a D/FW MSDC Certified MBE Supplier or D/FW MSDC Subscriber
4 passes to expo
2 tickets to luncheon
4 passes to opening reception
10x10 Booth
Event Signage
## Must be a D/FW MSDC Certified MBE Supplier or D/FW MSDC Subscriber
10x10 Booth Space
- 2 Admissions to the Reception
- 2 Admission passes to all events including the luncheon
## Must be a D/FW MSDC Certified Supplier or a D/FW MSDC Subscriber
10 X 10 Booth
2 - Admission Tickets to all events
No booth with this Sponsorship
4 passes to receptions
4 passes to expo
2 tickets to luncheon
Event Signage
Must be a D/FW MSDC Certified Supplier or a D/FW MSDC Subscriber
Buying Entity Packages
- 1 - 10X20 Premier Entrance Placement Booth Space
- 16 Admission passes to all events including Premier Luncheon seating
- Logo on ACCESS 2020 Printed Materials and Expo Entrance Unit
- Welcome attendee's to ACCCESS 2020
- Video viewed during Reception and Luncheon
- Photo and cover opportunities
- Speaking Opportunity
Unlimited expo passes for supply chain professionals
Multi-media recognition at opening reception
10x20 booth- premium spacing
8 tickets to All Events
Premium Luncheon Spacing
Event signage
10x10 Display Area
Unlimited expo passes for supply chain professionals
10x10 Event space/booth
Event signage
6 All Event Tickets
10x10 Display Area
Unlimited expo passes for supply chain professionals
10x10 Event space/booth
Event signage
4 All Event Tickets
NO booth with this package
Unlimited expo passes for supply chain professionals
Event signage
5 tickets to Reception, Expo, and Luncheon
10x10 booth
2 tickets to luncheon
10x10 booth
2 tickets to luncheon
Additional Sponsorships
Unlimited expo passes for supply chain professionals
Opportunities to market your business
Solutions on the Expo floor
Demonstrations and sales
10x20 space in pavilion
10x10 space in procurement
Area banner
8 All Events Tickets
Unlimited expo passes for supply chain professionals
Interview option
Exhibit space 10x10 adjacent to media lounge
6 All Event tickets
Event Signage
Unlimited expo passes for supply chain professionals
Signage located at Cyber Café
Event space 10x10 adjacent to cyber cafe
6 All Event tickets
Event signage
Unlimited expo passes for supply chain professionals
5 All Event tickets
Announcement at ribbon cutting
Announcement at the end of the luncheon
Identification and logo on each MM table sign
30-second video you produce uploaded to Council's YouTube Channel for 60 days
Event signage
Unlimited expo passes for supply chain professionals
Announcement at ribbon cutting
Announcement at the end of the luncheon
5 All Events Tickets
Identification & logo on each Round Table
Pavilion Sign
Event signage
4 passes to the expo
4 tickets to reception and luncheon
Recognition as sponsor
Event Signage
4 passes to the expo
4 tickets to luncheon
Recognition as sponsor
Event Signage
4 passes to the expo
4 tickets to reception and luncheon
Recognition as sponsor
Event Signage
State Agency/Government/Non Profit Agencies
- 10x10 Display Booth
- 2 Admission passes to Pre and Post Reception, Business Opportunity Expo and Luncheon
- Opportunity Expo and Luncheon
- 10x10 Display Booth
- 1 Admission passes to Reception, Business Opportunity Expo and Luncheon
(State Agencies Participating in the HUB Expo & Spot Bid Fair)
- 1 Display Table
- 1 Admission pass to Reception, Business Opportunity Expo and Luncheon