Sponsorship Packages
- Two tables at Luncheon and VIP Reception
- Special on-stage presentation during event
- Premier seating with table signage and recognition on all event signage
- Logo on the event program cover, full page advertisement and photo in souvenir book
- Recognition in press releases, website and social media marketing
- 90-second welcome video to be played during event
- Commemorative gift for each guest
- Two spaces at the Job Fair
- Listing in the Job Fair program and promotions
- Company hyperlink on Job Fair webpage
- Access to Job Fair registrant database with targeted matchmaking opportunities
- 7,000 geo-targeted spotlight emails and 7,000 geo-targeted text messages
- One tables at luncheon and VIP Reception
- Special on-stage presentation during event
- Premier seating with table signage and recognition on all event signage
- Full page advertisement and photo in souvenir book and Kappa Journal
- Recognition in press releases, website and social media marketing
- 60-second welcome video to be played during event
- Commemorative gift for each guest
- Two spaces at the Job Fair
- Listing in the Job Fair program and promotions
- Company hyperlink on Job Fair webpage
- Access to Job Fair registrant database with targeted matchmaking opportunities
- 5,000 geo-targeted spotlight emails and 5,000 geo-targeted text messages
- One table at luncheon and VIP Reception
- Special on-stage presentation during event
- Premier seating with table signage and recognition on all event signage
- Full page advertisement in souvenir program
- Recognition in press releases, website and social media marketing
- 30-second welcome video to be played during event
- Commemorative gift for each guest
- One space at the Job Fair
- Listing in the Job Fair program and promotions
- Company hyperlink on Job Fair webpage
- Access to Job Fair registrant database with targeted matchmaking opportunities
- 3,000 geo-targeted spotlight emails and 3,000 geo-targeted text messages
- One table at luncheon and VIP Reception
- Premier seating with table signage and recognition on all event signage
- Half page advertisement in souvenir program
- Recognition in press releases, website and social media marketing
- Commemorative gift for each guest
- One table at the Luncheon and VIP Reception
- Commemorative gift for each guest
- Listing in the souvenir program
- 2 tickets to the luncheon and VIP Reception
- Commemorative gift for each guest
- Listing in the souvenir program