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Please select attendee type below *
D/FW MSDC Certified D/FW MSDC Suppliers (MBE) $35.00
D/FW MSDC Corporate / Buying Entity Buyers - $0.00
Luncheon Attendee (Buying Entity Members, SDP, Non Members) $45.00

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D/FW MSDC Certified D/FW MSDC Suppliers (MBE) $35.00

D/FW MSDC Certified D/FW MSDC Suppliers (MBE) or MBEs with Subscription Services

D/FW MSDC Corporate / Buying Entity Buyers - $0.00

Must be a Buyer from a D/FW MSDC Corporate or Buying Entity Member Company

Luncheon Attendee (Buying Entity Members, SDP, Non Members) $45.00

Supplier Diversity Professional, Non -DFWMSDC Certified Suppliers, or Guest